The Romantic Ideal is an Attempt to Fill a Void

Romantic ideals will not fulfill your soul

The romantic ideal is so inflated and so potent in people’s minds is that they’re going to try to fill the void of living in Separation through one person, and it’s just never going to happen. And the thrill of that is quickly lost when two people try to live a real life together. […]

Spirituality is about Service in the World

Spirituality is Service

If you want to talk about spirituality, let’s not talk about peace and ascension. Let’s talk about service in the world. We’ve all been sent into the world for these times, to face these circumstances at a higher spiritual level. That’s why we’re here. In this talk given at a conference in Peruíbe, Brazil, in July […]

How People Become Powerful

how people become powerful

The importance of learning The Way of Knowledge is that who you are is not your social mind, the mind that has been created and influenced since the day you were born. And the deeper Mind within you is the eternal part of you. This video is excerpted from an interview with Marshall Vian Summers by […]

Living the Inspired and Determined Life

Guided by Greater power

So I’m here today to speak about this deeper Intelligence, this mysterious force that lives within us beyond the realm of our intellect, beyond the realm of our social conditioning. A greater power connects us to where we’ve come from, connects us to who sent us, holds for us what we’re here to do, whom […]

The Relationships that Matter Most

the relationships that matter most

The New Message says that we have a relationship with everything: every possession we own, our house, our car, our phone, our clothes, our pets. Any object of value that we have, we have a relationship with that. But it says the relationships that matter are with living things because any other relationship is the fabrication of […]

Rebuilding Your Life

Are you willing to rebuild your life?

I think the journey is something we’re already in. The New Message talks about the journey tremendously, in great detail, stages of the journey, problems in the journey, opportunities in the journey. This is where you have to really become a student of the Revelation to be able to benefit from this and apply it […]

The Deeper Mind Cannot be Deceived

the deeper mind can't be deceived

Who you are is not your social mind, the mind that has been created and influenced since the day you were born. And the deeper Mind within you is the eternal part of you. This is at the core of all religion and beyond religion. The deeper Mind cannot be deceived. It knows who you […]

We Don’t Create Our Own Reality

We do not create our own reality

We don’t really know where we are in this journey. You can’t really say, “I’m at a higher level,” or “I’m at the ultimate level,” or “I’m even a beginner” because you don’t know how you’ve been struck before by the powers of Heaven. Excerpted from a teaching given by Marshall Vian Summers called […]

The Beginner’s Mind: Finding What is Essential

beginner's mind

We have to approach this as beginners, no matter how much spiritual teaching you’ve responded to or been involved in, how much reading you may have done. This requires a beginner’s mind because you’ve never really been on this mountain before. We have to approach this as beginners, no matter how much spiritual teaching […]

The Danger of New Age Thinking

The Danger of New Age Thinking

You know, a lot of New Age thinking is very much from the [alien] Intervention. The idea that everything happens for a purpose—you never read that in any kind of religious teaching from the past. Where did that come from, that everything happens to you happens for a purpose? This excerpt is taken from […]